Montag, 2. November 2009

one has to be the first

It's monday morning and I'm sitting at home. I'm sick, as so often in winter. And because I don't want to stay in my bed (I even haven't a book to read anymore) I decided to start writing my first blog. I don't know yet if I'm gonna write a lot about my thoughts, feelings and opinions in the future 'cause I don't feel like sharing them lately. But therefore I want to post even more photographs! I always wanted to have such a blog so I can upload all my current photographs.
In my other photography websides you usually just upload "the best" ones. Though often results from a bunch of photographs a nice rounded overall picture. 
I'm already looking forward to showing my works and I hope this will motivate me to exercise even more and improve myself. Well let's see how I'm doing in here. I'm always looking forward to comments and new contacts, so feel free! ;)

ps: the coolest is that everybody is able to post comments, even if you dont have an account!!! 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ciao Judith!↲Find ich cool, dass du bei Blogspot einen Blog gestartet hast für die Fotografie. :-) Denke seit ein paar Tagen auch darüber nach, noch einen Fotoblog zu starten. Vorerst just for fun.↲Werde deinen mal abonnieren!↲LG Jerry

  2. Hey Jerry! Das ist ja cool..dachte schon muss mich hier selbst unterhalten! ;--D freut mich, werde deinen auch gleich abonnieren! ;) freu mich schon auf dicke Post ;P Lg Judith
    ps: wie du siehst hab ich noch nicht wirklich ne Ahnung wie man auf Komments antworten kann^^ guuut ;=)
